the_open_network_Responsabilizarea pacientulu

Proiect ADAM Slatina Timis sustinut de Fundatia TON prin Campania Solidaritatii in TON

ADAM Slatina Timis isi propune un dialog intre factorii care dezvolta politicile de sanatate in comunitate si pacienti indiferent ca vorbim de o persoana sanatoasa sau bolnava.

ADAMS va organiza si coordona intalniri comunitare, va media comunicarea intre cadrele medicale si pacienti, va intermedia legaturile intre APL si asociatiile de pacienti, va organizarea conferinte pe tema drepturilor si obligatiilor pacientilor; va organiza sesiuni de lucru cu grupurile de pacienti cronici.

Pentru acest dialog ADAM Slatina Timis are nevoie de suportul nostru financiar. Va invitam sa fiti parte a acestei campanii donand direct in conturile Fundatiei nostre si scriind la detalii ale transferului: „ADAMS – Sanatatea este a tuturor”

Fundatia The Open Network for Community Development

CUI: 30474995

Banca Transilvania S.A.


Cont in RON: RO40BTRL 0240 1205 7388 44XX

Cont in EUR: RO86 BTRL 0240 4205 7388 44XX

Sau intra pe site-ul nostru : si acceseaza butonul DONEAZA

Pentru alte detalii va rugam contactati direct Managerul ADAM Slatina Timis, Ioan Suru la tel: 0040 722 369 810

„Health is for everyone – Patient’s responsibility”

ADAM Slatina Timis project supported by the TON Foundation through the “TON Solidarity Campaign” 2019-2020

ADAM Slatina Timis proposes a dialogue between the factors that develop the health policies in the community and patients regardless of whether we are talking about a healthy or sick person.
ADAMS will organize and coordinate community meetings, will mediate communication between health professionals and patients, will mediate the links between APL and patient associations, will organize conferences on patients’ rights and obligations; will organize working sessions with chronic patient groups.

For this dialogue ADAM Slatina Timis needs our financial support. We invite you to be part of this campaign by donating directly to the accounts of our Foundation and writing to the details of the transfer: „ADAMS – Health is for everyone”

The Open Network for Community Development Foundation
CUI: 30474995
Banca Transilvania S.A.
Account in RON: RO40BTRL 0240 1205 7388 44XX
Account in EUR: RO86 BTRL 0240 4205 7388 44XX

Or go directly into our website: and press DONATE button.

For more details, please contact directly ADAM Slatina Timis Manager Ioan Suru at mob: 0040 722 369 810